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한땀한땀 흘려 세상에서 하나뿐인 가방을 만드는 장인처럼,

오스테오 전문가들은 고객 한분한분과의 시간을 위해 많은 노력을 기울입니다.

하루에 오스테오 서비스의 가능수는 한정 되어있습니다. 오스테오와  자연주의 케어의

가치를 아는 여러분의 원할한 만남을 위해 저희가 도와 드리겠습니다. 



총괄 매니저

Rutger University (BA)

State University of New York (MSc)

REAH International Prayer Coordinator



International Business (BSc),

Child Development (MSc),

Texas Woman's University, US

오스테오 전문가

"Osteo Care provides a better environment for the body

to cure and heal itself by improving the physical posture"

데니 지로드 

D.O, M.Ost


Relaxation Specialist

Mindfulness Stretch Instructor

British School of Osteopathy, London

I graduated with a Masters Degree in Osteopathy from The British School of Osteopathy, which is the largest and oldest school of osteopathy in the UK. During my studies I also became a teacher in the comprehensive 'Stretch Therapy' system and completed my Osteopathy Mindfulness & Accpetance training. My understanding of health has been shaped not only by Osteopathy but also my experiences, training and practice of meditation & mindfulness; my work as a personal trainer & movement coach; and my teaching of stretching & flexibility. My aim is to help you develop a healthy body, with good posture and movement; and a healthy mind with relaxation and mindfulness.

Why did you become an osteopath?
I decided to become an Osteopath when I was in my early 20’s. I was working as a personal trainer and movement coach in London, and many of my clients came to see me because they were in need of rehabilitation. I decided to see what options were available for me to learn about how we use our bodies. After extensive research, I realized that Osteopathy was 100% the best way to understand the human body. 4 years later, I have a master’s in Osteopathy and a big smile on my face

Why do you think the posture is important?
Posture is important because it is the result of the way we live our lives, and interact with the world: The way we breathe, the way we move, the way we carry our tension and stress. It displays our confidence, fear and joy. It can cause us discomfort, pain or poor movement. It is the result of our habitual behavior. When our posture is good, it often means that we are able to manage our stress, that we are happy and that we are not in pain. 

What are your other specialities?
As well as being an Osteopath, Meditation Teacher and Personal Trainer, I am a teacher in ‘Stretch Therapy’, which is a comprehensive system that includes stretching, fascial remodelling, strengthening, neural re-patterning, and relaxation. I specialize in teaching and helping patients to control their minds better to manage stress, chronic pain and concentrate better. Another aspect of this work is teaching how to develop real flexibility, control and deep relaxation of the body. 

What makes your care unique?
My care is based around my belief that we need a both a healthy mind and a healthy body. It is deeply grounded in modern, evidence based techniques and pain science. I believe educating patients and giving stretches or exercises patients can do at home to aid their treatment is important. Using osteopathy, mindfulness & movement to develop a better working and pain free body, while keeping a stress free mind.



빅토리아 안드레 

D.O, BSc


Trained at ESO Paris Suposteo, 6 years of formation. Trained in osteopathic clinic, in different hospital unit especially in maternity and hepato-gastroenterology


Diplômée de l’ESO SupOsteo - Paris, formation sur six ans comprenant de la théorie et de la pratique. J’ai pu tout au long de mes études intervenir dans différents domaines me permettant aujourd’hui de pouvoir répondre à tout profil de patient. En effet, j’ai réalisé des stages en clubs sportifs, en entreprise et dans des centres hospitaliers notamment dans les services de maternité et hépato-gastro entérologie. Je suis également intervenue ponctuellement sur des évènements sportifs tel que le semi-marathon de Paris.

J’ai également suivi des formations complémentaires afin d’avoir un maximum d’outils pour comprendre et traiter chaque patient, mais aussi pour me perfectionner dans ma technique et ma prise en charge.

Pendant mes deux dernières années d’étude, dans le cadre de mon mémoire, j’ai traité le sujet suivant : « apport d’une prise en charge ostéopathique lors de la rééducation suite à une ligamentoplastie du ligament croisé antérieur » me permettant d’échanger et de travailler avec des chirurgiens et des kinésithérapeutes.

Toutes ces expériences me permettent aujourd’hui de traiter avec confiance les patients du nourrisson au sénior, en passant par le sportif ou encore la femme enceinte. Ayant aujourd’hui décidé de vivre en Corée du Sud, ma dévotion pour l’ostéopathie et mon désir de mettre à profit mon savoir et ma technique sont toujours aussi forts.

Je pense qu’il est important de recevoir des soins en ostéopathie car nous sommes tous soumis aux contraintes dues à nos habitudes et à notre environnement. « Un esprit sain dans un corps sain », c’est ce que je souhaite apporter à chacun et chacune.

No drugs but posture to maximize the imm

조셉킴 박사 

D.O, N.D, M.Ost, PhD

Dad of 3 kids



M.Ost in Osteopathic Medicine

PhD in Rehabilitation Science

British College of Osteopathic Medicine, London

Graduate School of Korea University, Seoul

I grew up in Korea but always hoped to study in Europe. My mission trip to India, at a young age, made me want to become a health professional so I could help people in need. My mentor who was one of the top 5 neck surgeons in UK, and he recommended for me to study 'osteopathic medicine' because he was receiving osteopathic treatments for his neck pain and was impressed by the hands-on care. Through osteopathy he was able to manage the pain without medication, injection and even surgery.

When I visited to the osteopathic college in London for the first time, I felt immediately that I was born to become an osteopath. I was so amazed to see how efficiently physical body frames support physiological functions within the body. I saw how osteopathy helps the body balance, immune reaction, pain control and physical movements. 

My PhD research on post-operative rehabilitation using osteopathic treatments after spinal surgery showed that gentle osteopathic approaches not only reduced the pain but also improved body functions leading to better recovery.  

Using my clinical experiences and my research, I now emphasise the importance of prevention, by improving the posture. Good posture enhances blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, nerve conduction and musculoskeletal balance. This leads to pain relief, enhanced immune function and both mind and body relaxation.

In this modern world, we often regret the choices we have made in the past about our health. It is so important to focus on what we can do now to slowly, yet joyfully, maintain the precious health that impacts our everyday life—and it starts with preserving our body’s ‘nature-centered posture’.


More about Dr. Joseph 

맘 & 베이비 전문가

​케이트 B.

Baby & Mom Specialist 

Yoga instructor



National Midwifery Institute, Vermont, US
Potomac Massage Training Institute, Washington, D.C.

Kate Besleme has supported women and families in pregnancy and birth throughout Asia since 2003. She has been a doula and childbirth educator since 2003 and trained with Penny Simkin (DONA International). She studied midwifery with the National Midwifery Institute (Vermont, USA) and completed her clinical training at Yayasan Bumi Sehat in Bali, Indonesia under the supervision of midwife Ibu Robin Lim. In 2015, she received her midwifery certification from the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). She graduated from the Potomac Massage Training Institute (Washington, D.C.) and received specialized training in prenatal and infant massage. Kate co-created and taught prenatal and postnatal yoga education programs at the Pilates Studio in Bangkok, Thailand. She studied vinyasa yoga at Yoga Elements in Bangkok, Thailand. Kate is a mother of three.






osteopath in seoul

TEL (+82) 2-523-1137
FAX (+82) 2-6499-8477

2F Medical Mall, Penthill Ruu, 641 Eon-ju Ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KOREA
Registration Nr. 238-88-00530 ㅣ Copyright 2017. THE OSTEO SEOUL all rights reserved.


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