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We help more than you think
The greatest force in the human body is the natural drive of the body to heal.
Osteo Care provides a better environment for the body to heal itself.
OSTEO = the human body frame and posture
NATURE = the natural drive of the body to heal
"Natural posture enhances nature's attempt toward recovery
with the natural healing forces within the body."
- Dr. Joseph B. Kim, DO PhD
You have
Over 200 bones,
More than 600 muscles,
Over 300 Joints,
45 miles of nerves,
60,000 miles of blood and lymph vessels
But only one body
"Nature itself is the best physician"
- Hippocrates
We aim to
Allow your bones to rest in better positions
Relax tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles
Create smooth movement and ease in your joints
Decompress the nerves in your body
Improve your blood & lymph circulation
Improve your whole body’s function
"When you have adjusted the physical to its normal demands,
Nature supplies the remainder."
- Dr. Andrew T. Still, DO MD
Your pain can be reduced
Your whole body can move better
Your breathing can be deeper
You can be more resilient to injury
Your immune system can be improved
Your quality of life improves
Osteo Care at Osteo Nature Centre is inspired by Osteopathy. Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment that lays emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the body with an in-depth understanding of how structural problems with spines, nerves, discs, muscles and ligaments can lead to dysfunctions with the body systems and the associated internal organs. Osteopathic care comprises of the identification of underlying causes of the presenting complaint. Osteopaths use a wide range of gentle manipulations, depending on your age, fitness and diagnosis and advice on posture will be provided to aid recovery, promote health and prevent recurrence of symptoms. Osteopaths assess and treat people of any age from the elderly to the newborn and from pregnant women to sports people.
Osteo Care helps the body to cure and heal itself by improving the physical posture. The greatest force in the human body is the natural drive of the body to heal. Osteo Care provides a better environment for the body to heal itself.
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